This is a small garden built on a small hill near the science buildings. I also found a small waterfall in this garden that went from the top of the hill to the bottom of it. I am hoping to get back to it while there is some snow on the ground and some more day light because it is a pretty garden. I also plan to visit it in the summer to get that affect.
So I guess that sums up the year. I am blessed with a wonderful marriage, 3 crazy cats, and my life as I know it. I hope you all have a wonderful turn of the year.Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wonders On Campus
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
The quiet after the storm was almost deafening to me. I could not believe the difference between the beginning of the day and the middle of the day. Amazing!!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Winter ... The Other Photography Season
I found some interesting places to visit with all of the recent snow in my area of the woods, and I decided to try to take some photos from the car while I was traveling back and forth to work. I love the winter time .. I just cannot stand the cold.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Cousin's And More
Above you have my niece Chantal .. She was not in a great mood because she was tired
Above we have my Cousin Desmond ... He is not someone I see smile a lot .. So I had to take a photograph of it as proof that is does happen from time to time.
Above is my Cousin Amber and her nephew Gabe. They were enjoying each others company at one of our many family picnic events.
Above is my Grandpa Pete and my Mother (Pat). Pete is not my biological grandfather, but he has always been a very big part of my life and has been in my biological grandmothers life for as long as I can remember.
Above you will find who is known to me as BIG TROUBLE ... Just kidding ... This is my wonderful husband. He is someone that is very special to me. He came into my life without any warning, and he decided he wanted to stay there.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Looking a Bit Better ...
Every time it snows ... I just want to get in the car and go, but my knee has had other plans because when it snows it usually drops below the safe operating temperature for my camera, which is between 32 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit. I am looking to upgrade my camera eventually, but right now ... I just cannot afford to do it, but someday I will.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
My Thoughts Today ...
We are no longer moving this month. We re-newed our lease for another year. I think it might be better this way because if the person we were going to roommate with cannot come up with their share of things now ... than I would have to worry about weather or not they could keep up and I do not make the money to cover their share of things too ... I have to cover my husband's bills all of the time. He is my responsibility and that is the only reason I do.
I took my father for some testing he needed to have done in Syracuse yesterday. I hope he remembers to tell me the results because I want to be sure he is okay. He has not been feeling too well. He has had 2 heart attacks, Chemical Meningitis, and his Appendix removed this year alone. I wish he would listen to his doctor, but we all know how stubborn our dad's can be. He just says it is his life and he will live it his way.
I have not been taking any photos for a couple of weeks now ... except for my cats of course, but I have nothing to share. They really did not turn out like I hoped and because of my mood ... They got deleted. I am glad that digital camera were invented because they save a ton of money!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Black And White Photography
I am starting to put together a small web page with my photos on it. I think I may have to copy right protect them and such, but I am only at the beginning stages. If you want to check out my progress ... Come check it out. I am starting with some of my recent Black and White's that I enjoy. I am not a professional by any means, but I feel I have come a long way since I started in late 2006.
I am looking forward to my learning experience at the college with my cousin and I will be sure to share it here when we get it all planned and done.